Teatro dell’Argine
Teatro dell’Argine was established in the 1990s with a cultural and artistic project aimed at the entire community: not only the production of theatrical performances, but also audience development, theatrical education for both professionals and non-professionals, special initiatives addressing social vulnerabilities, the creation and management of artistic and social spaces, collaborations with companies, theatres, universities, as well as prisons, hospitals, and migrant reception centres in Italy, Belgium, Sweden, England, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Poland, Denmark, Turkey, Senegal, Tunisia, Morocco, Palestine, Bolivia and Brazil.
Over the years, Teatro dell’Argine has become a national and international reference point not only in the artistic field (winning numerous awards such as Critics’ Prize 2006, 2015 and 2017; Hystrio Award for Playwriting 2009; Ubu Prize 2011, 2015 and 2020/21; Camillo Grandi Prize 2012; Nico Garrone Prize 2015; Eolo Awards 2018; “Rete Critica” Award 2021; the “Innovatori Responsabili” and the GED Gender Equality and Diversity Awards of the Emilia-Romagna Region 2021) but also in the conception and realisation of projects in which theatre makes itself available to intercultural, social, educational and pedagogical contexts.
ACTING TOGETHER #WITHREFUGEES (2017-2018, together with UNHCR)
Link: https://teatrodellargine.org/progetti/details/acting-together-withrefugees
Linee guida per il lavoro in contesti interculturali: https://static.teatrodellargine.org/ITC%20dati%20tecnici/Acting%20Together%20_WithRefugees%20Linee%20Guida_ITA.pdf
Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSvQWpX_u9U&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fteatrodellargine.org%2F&source_ve_path=OTY3MTQ
LAMPEDUSA MIRRORS (2014-2015 Tandem Shaml Program)
Link: https://teatrodellargine.org/progetti/details/lampedusa-mirrors
Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72pFxZYiQaU&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fteatrodellargine.org%2F&source_ve_path=OTY3MTQ
CRE-ACTORS (2020-2022 Erasmus plus)
Link: https://teatrodellargine.org/progetti/details/cre-actors
E-Book: https://issuu.com/border-crossings/docs/cre-actors_e-book
THE ART OF DIALOGUE (2019 Bosch Alumni Network)
Link: https://teatrodellargine.org/progetti/details/the-art-of-dialogue
E-Book: https://static.teatrodellargine.org/Materiali_progetti/The%20Art%20of%20Dialogue%20-%20Booklet.pdf
THE PROMISED LAND (2018-2019 Erasmus plus)
Link: https://teatrodellargine.org/progetti/details/the-promised-land
E-Book: https://issuu.com/border-crossings/docs/promised_land_e-book